∞Italy is what happens when a country knows full well what its problems are but can’t summon the discipline and will to fix them.
∞Breaking Bad is The Godfather of television, and we’re going to be studying it for a long, long time.
∞Il più grande pericolo per noi non è che miriamo troppo in alto e non riusciamo a raggiungere il nostro obiettivo ma che miriamo troppo in basso e lo raggiungiamo.
∞The greatest people are self-managing [...] Once they know what to do, they’re going to figure out how to do it. What they need is a common vision, and that’s what leadership is.
∞When you’re afraid of looking dumb, the one guarantee that comes from that is that you are about to look dumb.
∞“Ma, bambino, perché la gente cerca di darci contro?”
“Vedi, mamma, è perché sono infelici. E la gente infelice ci ha voglia di sfasciare le cose.”
“Non ci sono persone felici?”
“Ce n’è tante che fanno finta di essere felici.”
“Perché si vergognano e hanno paura di confessare che non sono felici.”
∞This is what design is. Design is culture, it’s understanding how people communicate, it’s understanding content, it’s all of it. It’s process, it’s research.
∞Twitter rimane lo spauracchio di tutti i mezzi di comunicazione, il più spaventoso media, pronto all’imperituro ricordo in caso di gaffe.
∞The time it takes to find the best of something is completely worth it. It’s better to have a few fantastic things designed for you than to have many untrustworthy things poorly designed to please everyone.
∞Apple’s products say, “You can’t do that because we think it would suck.” Microsoft’s products say, “We’ll let you try to do anything on anything if you really want to, even if it sucks.”
∞If, in our creative endeavors, we continually do work we are proud of, then that my friends is also success. We don’t make to get rich, we make to make. We build for the sake of building, create for the sake of creating. We do it because we have to.
∞Whether we’re filmmakers, designers, product managers, photographers, software engineers, or something much different, we should try to be aware of and cultivate most of the skills required to finish any project.
∞Here’s a metric that can help you determine if you’re on track for reaching your goals: are you spending your time, money, and attention differently than most people?
∞I think that a great thing about comedy is taking people to places that they have fear and foreboding and making them laugh at that place, and you help them.